Friday, January 04, 2008

Don’t Read This!

New York City is truly a great place to live. As I begin my 19th year living in the Big Apple I feel qualified to make this statement. Let me explain.

Perhaps the greatest thing about living here in our fair city is that we share it with some eight million other people. Obviously you know that, but you are still wondering why living here is so great. Simply stated, I have found that living with so many people in such a large city allows me to always have someone else to blame for my problems and failures. I never have to take personal responsibility, or experience accountability. Everything that happens can always be someone else’s fault. Let me elaborate.

I have a little problem with tardiness to meetings with other Pastors. I usually start later than I should and thus show up late. I’ve had this problem as long as I can remember but here in the city I can blame it on the traffic. I don’t even have to go into a long explanation. I just walk in the room and say, “Has anyone seen how bad the expressway is today? Wow, when are they going to do something about that?”

I have always eaten chocolate and other sweets when under stress. I could get away with it when I was younger but now it shows. Fortunately, I’m here in the city and it’s easier to rationalize because, you know, living with all these people and dealing with all this traffic stresses all of us out and how can I help but indulge in a little “comfort food”?

I have, like everyone else, a hard time carving out a place for time with God in His Word and prayer. The city moves so fast and, you know it’s hard to keep up and well, it just makes this quiet time thing almost impossible. Don’t you agree? It’s not my fault. What’s a man to do?

Being a good citizen or a good employee can be hard. Doing our part to make the city better or giving an employer a day’s work for a day’s pay is really just too much to ask. Fortunately, we live here with all these people… so, since almost no one cares about being a good citizen or a good employee, we have the “everybody’s doing it” or in this case “nobody’s doing it” defense.

Given the fact that there are so few authentic Christians among us, this excuse-laden mindset can be easily extended into our daily walk in the world. I mean, after all, what do you expect? It is crazy to think we could actually make a difference. We are outnumbered 1000 to 1. The best we can hope for is mere survival. Who could blame us if our language is a little, shall we say, “colorful”? Or if our ethics are a little, shall we say, “shady”? We’re doing the best we can! What’d you expect, it’s hard here!

It’s the Mayor’s fault, it’s the commute’s fault, it’s the neighborhood’s fault, it’s the boss’s or the job’s or the big company’s fault. These excuses provide a somewhat reasonable defense and all sound great. Well, they do sound great, if you want to be a victim.

In 1 John 5:4-5 we read, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” These verses make it clear that as a Christian I’m not a victim, but a victor. I am not overcome, but an overcomer. Thus, I really have no excuse. I have no one else I can blame.

The apostle Paul wrote this to the Roman Christians, “So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12) This points out the truth that not only am I responsible for my actions, I am also accountable to God. I can’t blame anyone else for what’s up with me and I am going to stand before God and explain my actions to Him.

With my responsibility and accountability clearly in view I do well to follow another exhortation of Paul to the Romans. After calling for total surrender to God, in Romans chapter 12, verse 2, Paul says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” I can get above the world’s low expectations by allowing God through His Word to transform me into an individual who seeks His goals and ideals for my life.

My watch words for the New Year are personal responsibility and personal accountability. I’m taking personal responsibility for my spiritual growth because I will be personally accountable for my spiritual health. I’m taking personal responsibility for my physical conditioning because I will be personally accountable for my physical condition. Since you have read this article, you too are now personally responsible and personally accountable. I warned you about reading this.

Happy New Year!

Dave Watson – An Urban Christian

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